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Winter Wonderland

You have likely heard Michigan referred to as the “winter wonderland”. Well, we love it in the great lakes state and have known it has home since 1994. Jim came to Michigan every summer as a kid with his grandparents and three sisters and loved to camp, fish, swim and water ski. Then, when we were married we spent our honeymoon in the same camper where he had spent his summers.

In October of 1993, Jim was called to pastor Calvary Baptist Church of Quincy, Mi. where we stayed for five years. We then moved to South Haven where Jim pastored until we were called to be missionaries to Australia. Now, these many years later we are back to calling Michigan home and are near Jackson.
Three of our grown sons live outside Michigan (two in LA and the other in Ohio) and we try to see them whenever we can but we love this crazy cold and beautiful place with its diversity. We love the woods and lakes and sandy beaches. South Haven is our favorite. We enjoy the beach in South Haven every year for the 4th of July and Jim loves to hunt the woods in the cold of winter.

Well, it is so nice to be home again. We hope as we put down roots near our children that we will be a blessing and a source of encouragement. We still have our house to sell in Illinois and then we can begin working on a home here, but for now it is enough to just be home.